Hello amigos,<br><br>Recently I encountered many situations where a system-wide notification-messages system is required as a basis for many bug fixes or enhancements. I am not talking about the messages that are related to an specific activity or its context, in many of those cases the current alert widgets are effective and proper methods. Currently, Sugar does not have a mechanism to communicate to users different kind of information about sugar itself. For example:<br>
<br>1. Important system events (automatic backup running, new update available, journal being almost full,etc)<br>2. Connectivity status changes or errors (connecting to a wifi network or 3G)<br>3. Critical sugar errors, right now most of those errors are invisible to users (this make testing process very difficult)<br>
4. I am sure others can imagine more use cases.<br><br>So I would like to list two extensions to the current notification system. Basically what we need is:<br><br>1. Simple text messages display.<br>2. Messages manager, this would help the user to see what messages have been delivered in the current session, so they could react to those events (for example, reporting bugs).<br>
<br>I believe this feature could be a huge plus to dextrose and and sugar mainstream, therefore I invite everyone to share their ideas on how this feature could work and look.<br><br>Saludos<br>Martin (tch) Abente<br>