I don't understand why Pippy do:<br><br> goicon_bw = gtk.Image()<br> goicon_bw.set_from_file("%s/icons/run_bw.svg" % os.getcwd())<br> goicon_color = gtk.Image()<br> goicon_color.set_from_file("%s/icons/run_color.svg" % os.getcwd())<br>
gobutton = ToolButton(label=_("_Run!"))<br> gobutton.props.accelerator = _('<alt>r')<br> gobutton.set_icon_widget(goicon_bw)<br> gobutton.set_tooltip("Run")<br>
gobutton.connect('clicked', self.flash_cb, dict({'bw':goicon_bw,<br> 'color':goicon_color}))<br> gobutton.props.accelerator = _('<alt>r')<br> gobutton.connect('clicked', self.gobutton_cb)<br>
<br>instead of:<br><br> gobutton = ToolButton('run_bw')<br> gobutton.set_tooltip("Run")<br> gobutton.props.accelerator = _('<alt>r')<br> gobutton.connect('clicked', self.gobutton_cb)<br>
<br>You lost the flash color when press the button, but is not a standard behavior in Sugar.<br>The Toolbutton (and Icon too) take the image from the icons directory with the name, you don't need: <br><br> menu_item.set_image(Icon(file=('%s/activity/activity-default.svg' % get_bundle_path()), icon_size=gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))<br>
you can do:<br> menu_item.set_image(Icon(icon_name='activity-default', icon_size=gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))<br><br>if the icon is in the icons directory (and is a good idea)<br><br>Also, why you put the buttons in a table in the Toolbar for 0.84? <br>
And use gtk.Buttons in the toolbar for 0.84? You can use ToolButton in 0.84<br><br> I think the code can be simplified.<br><br>Gonzalo<br><br><br><br><br>