Hi All<br><br>when running the olpc-os-builder i got the following (i am using fedora 11 in virtual box)<br><br> Installing: totem-mozplugin             ##################### [605/605] <br><br>authconfig: Authentication module /lib/security/pam_fprintd.so is missing. Authentication process might not work correctly.<br>
authconfig: Authentication module /lib/security/pam_pkcs11.so is missing. Authentication process might not work correctly.<br>Failed to write selinux configuration.<br>Removing password for user root.<br>passwd: Success<br>
error reading information on service exim: No such file or directory<br>error reading information on service livesys: No such file or directory<br>error reading information on service livesys-late: No such file or directory<br>
error reading information on service portreserve: No such file or directory<br>Executing code generated by kspost:base/kspost.10.core.inc...<br>Removing password for user olpc.<br>passwd: Success<br>Executing code generated by kspost:base/kspost.10.strip_locale.sh...<br>
Executing code generated by kspost:base/kspost.10.version_number.sh...<br>Executing code generated by kspost:sugar/kspost.50.gconf.inc...<br>Executing code generated by kspost:sugar/kspost.50.misc.inc...<br>Executing code generated by kspost:xo1/kspost.50.xo1-tweaks.inc...<br>
Executing code generated by kspost:sugar/kspost.51.favoritesview.sh...<br>Executing code generated by kspost:x11/kspost.60.misc.inc...<br>Executing code generated by kspost:x11/kspost.99.gconf-normalize.inc...<br>e2fsck 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)<br>
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes<br>Pass 2: Checking directory structure<br>Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity<br>Pass 4: Checking reference counts<br>Pass 5: Checking group summary information<br>os28: 29649/131072 files (1.4% non-contiguous), 191200/524288 blocks<br>
e2fsck 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)<br>Backing up journal inode block information.<br><br>Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes<br>Pass 2: Checking directory structure<br>Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity<br>Pass 4: Checking reference counts<br>
Pass 5: Checking group summary information<br><br>os28: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****<br>os28: 29649/49152 files (1.5% non-contiguous), 185802/185802 blocks<br>/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/imgcreate/errors.py:40: DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python 2.6<br>
 return str(self.message)<br>ERROR:root:Error creating Live CD : fsck returned an error!<br> * Caught error, cleanup and then bail out.<br> * Running part cleanup base cleanup.50.cleanup.sh...<br> * Running part cleanup buildnr_from_file cleanup.50.write_buildnr.sh...<br>
ERROR: Failure in BuildStage: module base, part <a href="http://build.40.imagecreate.py">build.40.imagecreate.py</a>, error code 1<br><br>Help me guys<br><br>Regards<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Javid Alam<br>Software Developer and Technical support Officer OLPC<br>
Ministry of Education<br>Kabul Afghanistan<br>contact: +93(0)798123451<br>alternative email: <a href="mailto:javid.alam@moe.gov.af">javid.alam@moe.gov.af</a> <br>