Hi,<br><br>in uruguay, we developed activity EscribirEspecial to children handicapped (<a href="http://activities.sugarlabs.org/es-ES/sugar/addon/4265">http://activities.sugarlabs.org/es-ES/sugar/addon/4265</a>). <br>EscribirEspecial has a system scanning buttons to write and the activity writes on abiword.<br>
<br>Now, the idea are develop a virtual keyboard for sugar <span id="result_box" class="short_text"><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" title="repositorios de sugar">repositories (may be on last version or next) </span></span>to write on diferent activities or diferent text entries of sugar. <br>
<br>We started development virtual keyboard in spanish as an globalkey extension, with keyboard layout and keyboard type laptop xo.<br>We use python-xlib to write on diferent text entries of the interface and gtk.dialog to show the virtualkeyboard. <br>
<br>Someone for the sugar community may be interested continue the development and adapt to different languages and different keyboard types...<br><br>Esteban.<br>