Hello,<br> <br>So I have been working on an IRC bot for a while, and an idea had occurred, what if we have a graphical bot with a few limited animations for now, make it an activity, and feed it with help and documentation on every other activity and itself ofcourse. In the future a language dictionary and such can be embedded into this bot.<br>
The bot's graphical features can be coded with pygtk(for the widget frame, text input), some pyglet/pygame for animations <br><a href="http://pyglet.org">http://pyglet.org</a><br><br>This will be most entertaining/ fun for any kid. As I remember my own experiences with such bots from a particular os. Kids love interaction, graphical interaction is by far the fastest way to plant knowledge about anything.<br>
<br>Give me your opinions on this, maybe this will be something I will work on for sugar in the near future ;)<br><br>Thank you<br><br>Vamsi Krishna Davuluri<br>