<div dir="ltr">Hello,<br><br>Tomeu needed a way to test git master on the XO. I initially though to write scripts to generate snapshot rpms, but then I figured out something much cheaper. I wrote a very simple script to do a sugar-jhbuild inside mock, using the olpc-3 configuration (my bash skills are very poor, patches are welcome).<br>
<br><a href="http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=sugar-jhbuild;a=blob;f=scripts/mockbuild">http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=sugar-jhbuild;a=blob;f=scripts/mockbuild</a><br><br>I generated a first snapshot:<br><br><a href="http://download.sugarlabs.org/sugar/snapshots/olpc-3/sugar-snapshot-200810181212.tar.bz2">http://download.sugarlabs.org/sugar/snapshots/olpc-3/sugar-snapshot-200810181212.tar.bz2</a><br>
<br>To install it on joyride you can:<br><br>1 Start sugar and connect to the network<br>2 yum install gnome-python2-gconf<br>3 Untar (paths are not absolute so do it from / for now)<br>4 Put "/opt/sugar/sugar-jhbuild run sugar" in your .xsession<br>
5 Disable security for now (I need to figure out how to setup the custom dbus conf with the new sugar script in master)<br>6 Reboot<br><br>I'm posting to the list in case some other developer can make use of it. This is meant just as tool for developers to quickly get a jhbuild on the XO for testing. We will build sugar rpms in joyride as usual starting with <a href="http://0.83.1.">0.83.1.</a><br>