Hello Everyone,<br><br>I am not too sure whether I am posting to the correct forum, but here is my problem.<br><br>I have a USB HID device which I want the XO to be able to talk to.(Basic "recognize HID device","read", "write" etc). I have a windows dll which talks to the HID. I have the source code of this dll. I had thought that it would be easy to build a .so using the source code. But it is not so. The source accesses window specific headers like
hidsdi.h and setupapi.h. <br><br>My question is, are there equivalent linux headers for hidsdi.h and setupapi.h which have similar functions so that I wouldn't have to make major changes in my source code?<br><br>If you have a USB HID device(apart from a mouse or keyboard) and you can identify it, read from it and write to it in Linux,can you let me know how you did it?