[Sugar-devel] "Sugar Labs: Past, Present, and Future" | Upcoming Sugar Labs Event this Friday, May 3 at 19:00 UTC

Devin Ulibarri devin at sugarlabs.org
Wed May 1 10:58:06 EDT 2024

Hi all,

We're hosting a [series of events][1] this month as part of our very 
[first fundraiser][2] since achieving 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.

To kick things off, the first event will be a discussion of "Sugar Labs: 
Past, Present, and Future". Sugar Labs founder Walter Bender will be 
joining us, along with Samson Goddy, myself, and a few others from the 
[current Sugar Labs leadership team][3].

The event will be broadcast to YouTube via the following link: 

To participate in the event in real-time, you may either participate via 
YouTube's chat feature or on the [Sugar Matrix channel][4]. We'll be 
monitoring both during the event. If you have anything you'd like us to 
explore in advance of the meeting, please reply on this list.

The events will be recorded and will be published online on [our YouTube 



[1]: https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Events

[2]: https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Fundraisers/2024/Spring

[3]: https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board

[4]: https://matrix.to/#/#sugar:matrix.org

[5]: https://www.youtube.com/@SugarlabsOrg-EN

P.S. If you are reading this and would like to share your "Sugar Story", 
please reach out. We'd like to highlight some stories from the community 
about how participating in Sugar Labs has changed lives for the better. 
Stories can be in short form (one paragraph), longer form (3-4 
paragraphs), or even video.


Learn more: https://sugarlabs.org

Help us grow: https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Donate

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