[Sugar-devel] Read Activity release checklist

James Simmons nicestep at gmail.com
Sun Mar 10 17:52:05 EDT 2024

I would like to release a new version of the Read Activity containing a bug
fix needed so the Activity can start under Fedora 39:

Checklist - maintainer

* check version of latest tarball release in
download.sugarlabs.org/sources/sucrose/fructose/ or

    Latest version is 123.

* check for a release version git tag, e.g. v34,

    There were no Git tags seen for this Activity

*  correlate with activity_version metadata in activity/activity.info,

    Updated to version 124

*  look for commits after any of these, in either;
        master branch of repository at sugarlabs,
        any other branches,
        any other forks,
        orphaned repositories with the same bundle_id value, using GitHub
or Google Search,
        deprecated repositories at git.sugarlabs.org,

    Nothing like this found.

* review and merge all pull requests,

    I looked at the one other pull request. It isn't clear to me what it's
doing. I was created
    back in 2020 and never applied.

* apply all desired commits, making pull requests if review is needed,

    Done. I made a new branch for the PR for release notes.

* apply any translate.sugarlabs.org changes, e.g. using a download script,
    if there is a po/*.pot file, regenerate using python setup.py genpot,
review the changes, and commit,
    notify our translation-community manager @leonardcj if the POT file
changes contain new or changed

    No translated strings were affected by this update.

* update the README.md file if necessary,

    Not needed. No changes in functionality.

* write release notes for the NEWS file, change the activity_version
metadata in activity/activity.info, commit, and git tag the version,


* update the activity documentation in the help-activity repository,

    Not needed. The Activity works the same as it always did.

* for activities that include a tarball release, or where Fedora or Debian
packages may be made, create a tarball using python setup.py dist_source,
and upload tarball to download.sugarlabs.org using shell account,

    I have no such account. I don't do enough Activity development to
justify having one.

* create bundle using python setup.py dist_xo, and test that it can be
installed by Browse,

    I have not tested this.

* rebase any other maintained branches or pull requests, such as those for
past or future versions of Python, or past releases of Fedora, Ubuntu or

    The other pull request appears to be abandoned. It could be closed.

* for Python 3 Activities, copy the bundle to ~activities-v4/bundles,
remove any other old versions of the bundle from ~activities-v4/bundles,
and trigger a rebuild of the static site using rebuild-aslo command, verify
if your bundle is visible on https://v4.activities.sugarlabs.org . For more
information, it is recommended to take a look at the Activities4 wiki page

   I don't think this is something I have the ability to do.


James Simmons
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