[Sugar-devel] Idea proposal : Chocolate bites, a data analysis learning.

Thota Mounika thotamounika12052003 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 26 23:45:22 EST 2024

Hi there,

I'm Mounika, currently a 4th year CS student from India. I recently came
across Sugar Labs and want to contribute a new learning method for the
users. Please go through the details.

Chocolate bites is an idea of gamified learning of Data Analytics, a
trending and promising career. It is simple and doesn't need any in-depth
knowledge to start. In this application, we include all the
famous chocolates which kids eat frequently and make them analyze the
marketing, sales, etc..of the respective chocolates. How does it generally
work? What I thought is, there will be 3 partitions on screen dividing into
products portion(chocolates and tags of sales,cost,etc) , visualization
portion(after drag and dropping the particular chocolates, tags, this will
generate graphs as bar graph,pie chart, scatter plot...which can be
switched). And the 3rd portion is questionnaire where we give random
questions like- "Which chocolate among sneakers and kitkat have high
sales?". The learner can answer by analyzing them through visualization. We
can increase the level after a particular range of correct answers.

It is very simple yet impactful on kids. We can make it visually appealing
with chocolate images to grab their attention. It'll also increase critical
thinking and reasoning skills of kids.

If the idea is OK to add onto the Sugar labs, We'll dive deep and see the
tech stack. I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this!!

I'll be eagerly waiting for the guidance for this application. I'm looking
forward to finish this through GSOC'25.

Thank you!
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