[Sugar-devel] Subject: Meeting Notes: Sugarizer Word-Puzzle and Chart

Utkarsh Siddhpura utkarshsiddhpura09876 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 16 05:49:01 EDT 2023

 Dear Sugar Labs community,
I wanted to share a summary of our 5th meeting about the project.

## Tasks Reviewed from the Past Week
CSV viewer in Chart activity and support in journal.

## Tasks for Next Week
- task 1: Improve CSV viewer for Label/Value selection & UI
- task 2: Reimplement current feature using the pattern.
- task 3: Work on sharing the activity.
- task 4: Make a PR about importing files from android feature.

## Next Meeting
Thursday 22nd June19H30 UTC

Best regards,
Utkarsh Siddhpura
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