[Sugar-devel] GSoC' 2023 Proposal "Sugarizer Word Puzzle and Chart Activities"

Dhruv Mishra_1826 mishra.x.dhruv18 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 22:33:46 EDT 2023

Respected sir,
Good morning,

Thank you for such a positive review. Sir, this was my first proposal
review for this project and sir, the review came to me after deadline, so
it would not be possible for me to incorporate that suggestions in
my proposal,

Point 1 : - Diagrams for Word Puzzle have no interest since it's the
generic workflow for Exerciser
                 (Got it and sir i mentioned too that the template is
flexible to changes suggested by the mentor).
Point 3 : - The Chart Activity is supposed to be written in Vue.js
                 (Yes sir, I wrote my proposal by keeping both the things
in mind. Only a few minor changes will convert it to VueJS. Nearly the idea
of implementation will  remain the same).

Yours sincerely
Dhruv Mishra

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