[Sugar-devel] [ASLOv4] [RELEASE] Math Hurdler - 4

activities-v4 at sugarlabs.org activities-v4 at sugarlabs.org
Mon Oct 17 09:10:49 EDT 2022

Math Hurdler-4 has been released

Version: 4
Bundle ID: edu.rit.math-hurdler
Release time: 2022-10-17 09:01:30

You can download the latest release of this activity here:
  - Info: https://v4.activities.sugarlabs.org/app/edu.rit.math-hurdler.html
  - Download: https://v4.activities.sugarlabs.org/bundles/MathHurdler-4.xo


* feat: added save and restore highscore between instances of game (Sourabha G)
* fix: fixed highscore and huderler number rendering (Sourabha G)
* fix: fixed save and restore game state feature added in 4ffc975; broken when 5eeab2e was introduced. (Sourabha G)

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