[Sugar-devel] Sugarizer Assignments Meeting #14: 23 August 2022

Rohan Kumar rohanrajput16.phy at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 02:40:05 EDT 2022

*Today, I had a meeting with Nikhil Mehra and had a discussion about the
work items with basically includes *

   - Discuss last week's progress.
   - Discussed to forbid action from sugarizer-server in Journal view to
   prevent duplicate assignment entry.
   - plan the implementation of show assignments in the Sugraizer client
   App. like popup, see instructions, forbid actions.

*Here is the list of tasks we have decided on for the week*

   - Forbid actions (that we discussed) on Sugarizer and Sugarizer Server
   -  Discuss Sugarizer Assignment UI with Lionel
   - Add an assignment icon where the user can see the assignments
   - Explore more and, popup
   - I will add See instructions for the assignment
   - Forbid Actions from sugarizer-server in journal view
   -  I will add a timer (after exploring more)

*The next meeting is scheduled for next week on Monday.*

Rohan kumar
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