[Sugar-devel] 4th meeting report

Sarthak gupta sarthakgupta041 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 15 05:50:47 EDT 2021

Hi everyone,
I and lionel had our 4th meeting today at 9 AM UTC.
We first discussed the status of last week's tasks and then decided this
week's tasks.

Last week task

   1. Build dev environment for macOS/IOS
   2. Solve the issue of getFloatTimeDomainData for Safari
   3. Test for audio on Electron macOS
   4. Build Sugarizer for IOS and document it.

This week task:

   1. Finalize document for IOS generation
   2. Implementation of increasing/decreasing amplitude
   3. Implementation of waveform inversion
   4. Research for time logging section

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday June 23 at  9AM UTC.

Sarthak Gupta
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