[Sugar-devel] [Systems] v4.activities.sugarlabs.org (ASLO-v4) is up!

Srevin Saju srevinsaju at sugarlabs.org
Wed Jan 27 00:36:21 EST 2021

On 1/27/21 8:30 AM, James Cameron wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 08:04:41AM +0300, Srevin Saju wrote:
>> reply inline.
> me too.
>> On 1/27/21 3:09 AM, James Cameron wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 11:28:00AM +0300, Srevin Saju wrote:
>>>> And now, (Thanks bernie_!), we can use
>>>> https://v4.activities.sugarlabs.org/services/update-aslo.php for supporting
>>>> sugar's microformat update system as mentioned below:
>>>>>     * support Sugar's microformat software upgrade feature in My
>>>>>       Settings, (Sugar 0.116 is configured
>>>>>       in|data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml|to use the AsloUpdater
>>>>>       in|src/jarabe/model/update/aslo.py|which reaches out to a PHP
>>>>>       script|update-aslo.php|, and will instead be configured to
>>>>>       use|src/jarabe/model/update/microformat.py|),
>>> I've reviewed the output of update-aslo.php briefly.  For Implode it
>>> gives a minVersion of 0.116 and a maxVersion of 0.117.  How does an
>>> activity author specify these values?
>> Right now, its hardcoded into https://github.com/sugarlabs/aslo-v4/blob/a1ac5dac02030f38dca863eea3c70b978ebd8ad1/aslo4/rdf/rdf.py#L55.
>> Let me know what would be the best implementation.
> I'm in doubt.  I had previously asked that we not be required to
> change activity metadata, yet activity metadata is a great place to
> put this.  What do you think?

Agreed. That would reduce a lot of complexities. Its ideal to extract 
every information from the bundle itself. Also, it would be nice to keep 
an `activityInfoVersion` which would define the specification of the 
activity.info, so that, we can run a migrate function to update old 
activity.info to new activity.info and vice-versa.

> Perhaps each new release should be interpreted as being for the
> current version, if such metadata is missing.
Agreed, that would do.
> https://developer.sugarlabs.org/sugar3/sugar3.bundle.html is our
> activity metadata documentation.
> https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Development_Team/Almanac/Activity_Bundles
> is also documentation.
> In the history of edits to the Wiki, we had a host_version metadata
> item to specify the version of Sugar, but it was not implemented.
> So perhaps min_sugar_version and max_sugar_version are needed.
> On the other hand, aslo.py does _not check_ the minVersion and
> maxVersion values.
> For the time being, you can set them both to 0.118.
> With aslo.py not checking the value, it doesn't yet matter.
Updated, as of e071af059cdbac9bb903b9543beec89033f35cd6 commit on 
>>> <?xml version="1.0"?>
>>> <RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:em="http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#">
>>>       <RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:extension:com.jotaro.ImplodeActivity">
>>>           <em:updates>
>>>               <RDF:Seq>
>>>                   <RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:extension:com.jotaro.ImplodeActivity:20.1.1~quozl"/>
>>>               </RDF:Seq>
>>>           </em:updates>
>>>       </RDF:Description>
>>>       <RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:extension:com.jotaro.ImplodeActivity:20.1.1~quozl">
>>>           <em:version>20.1.1~quozl</em:version>
>>>           <em:targetApplication>
>>>               <RDF:Description>
>>>                   <em:id>{9e5ecf85-6bb9-4403-bae8-d6865f19677b}</em:id>
>>>                   <em:minVersion>0.116</em:minVersion>
>>>                   <em:maxVersion>0.117</em:maxVersion>
>>>                   <em:updateLink>https://v4.activities.sugarlabs.org/bundles/Implode-20.1.1~quozl.xo</em:updateLink>
>>>                   <em:updateSize>198</em:updateSize>
>>>                   <em:updateInfoURL>https://v4.activities.sugarlabs.org/app/com.jotaro.ImplodeActivity.html</em:updateInfoURL>
>>>                   <em:updateHash>sha256:18be1821a7f2e6bfb9de59b11d3ae18b92271b354bb8b38f8a06e9d99a37a6fe</em:updateHash>
>>>               </RDF:Description>
>>>           </em:targetApplication>
>>>       </RDF:Description>
>>> </RDF:RDF>
>>>> On 1/21/21 10:03 AM, Srevin Saju wrote:
>>>>> Right. I will configure ASLO-v4 to email sugar-devel@ with release
>>>>> notifications.
>>>>> Thanks to all developers, mentors who helped me out with this. Had a
>>>>> great experience working with it!!!
>>>>> On 1/21/21 10:00 AM, James Cameron wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks, great work.  Merged 204.
>>>>>> I've also updated Browse.
>>>>>> https://github.com/sugarlabs/browse-activity/commit/de3c4800ec705e5543c6be2c4d4695255d6e5aac
>>>>>> I would prefer new version notifications to go to
>>>>>> sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org, as that's one place we've seen them
>>>>>> previously.  aslo at lists.sugarlabs.org was for handling by library
>>>>>> editors, but we don't have any active, and we don't have the same
>>>>>> process with v4.
>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 09:16:47AM +0300, Srevin Saju wrote:
>>>>>>> G'day!
>>>>>>> ASLO-v4 is finally up at https://v4.activities.sugarlabs.org!
>>>>>>> ... with only
>>>>>>> a few more minor tidying up, ASLO-v4 will be ready for production.
>>>>>>> Activity maintainers can now push their bundles to ASLO-v4 by
>>>>>>> following the
>>>>>>> instructions on
>>>>>>> https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Service/activities4 as well
>>>>>>> as, that mentioned in https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-docs/pull/204.
>>>>>>> Please feel free to reach out, so that I can improve the existing
>>>>>>> documentation, or anything you think is too complex.
>>>>>>> Next steps:
>>>>>>>     * Connect services/update-aslo.php and deploy a flask server (I am
>>>>>>>       trying to get a hold of some more good apache knowledge)
>>>>>>>     * Sending "new version detected" emails to aslo at lists.sugarlabs.org,
>>>>>>>       or should we create a new mailing list?
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Srevin Saju
>>>>>>> https://srevinsaju.me
>>>>>> pub   RSA 4096/66D390D7 2020-05-19 Srevin Saju (srevinsaju)
>>>>>> <srevinsaju at sugarlabs.org>
>>>>>>> sub   RSA 4096/14479587 2020-05-19
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Systems mailing list
>>>>>>> Systems at lists.sugarlabs.org
>>>>>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/systems
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Sugar-devel mailing list
>>>>>> Sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org
>>>>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel
>>>> -- 
>>>> Srevin Saju
>>>> https://srevinsaju.me
>>> pub   RSA 4096/66D390D7 2020-05-19 Srevin Saju (srevinsaju) <srevinsaju at sugarlabs.org>
>>>> sub   RSA 4096/14479587 2020-05-19
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Sugar-devel mailing list
>>>> Sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org
>>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel
>> -- 
>> Srevin Saju
>> https://srevinsaju.me
>> On 1/27/21 3:09 AM, James Cameron wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 11:28:00AM +0300, Srevin Saju wrote:
>>>> And now, (Thanks bernie_!), we can use
>>>> https://v4.activities.sugarlabs.org/services/update-aslo.php for supporting
>>>> sugar's microformat update system as mentioned below:
>>>>>     * support Sugar's microformat software upgrade feature in My
>>>>>       Settings, (Sugar 0.116 is configured
>>>>>       in|data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml|to use the AsloUpdater
>>>>>       in|src/jarabe/model/update/aslo.py|which reaches out to a PHP
>>>>>       script|update-aslo.php|, and will instead be configured to
>>>>>       use|src/jarabe/model/update/microformat.py|),
>>> I've reviewed the output of update-aslo.php briefly.  For Implode it
>>> gives a minVersion of 0.116 and a maxVersion of 0.117.  How does an
>>> activity author specify these values?
>>> <?xml version="1.0"?>
>>> <RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:em="http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#">
>>>       <RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:extension:com.jotaro.ImplodeActivity">
>>>           <em:updates>
>>>               <RDF:Seq>
>>>                   <RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:extension:com.jotaro.ImplodeActivity:20.1.1~quozl"/>
>>>               </RDF:Seq>
>>>           </em:updates>
>>>       </RDF:Description>
>>>       <RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:extension:com.jotaro.ImplodeActivity:20.1.1~quozl">
>>>           <em:version>20.1.1~quozl</em:version>
>>>           <em:targetApplication>
>>>               <RDF:Description>
>>>                   <em:id>{9e5ecf85-6bb9-4403-bae8-d6865f19677b}</em:id>
>>>                   <em:minVersion>0.116</em:minVersion>
>>>                   <em:maxVersion>0.117</em:maxVersion>
>>>                   <em:updateLink>https://v4.activities.sugarlabs.org/bundles/Implode-20.1.1~quozl.xo</em:updateLink>
>>>                   <em:updateSize>198</em:updateSize>
>>>                   <em:updateInfoURL>https://v4.activities.sugarlabs.org/app/com.jotaro.ImplodeActivity.html</em:updateInfoURL>
>>>                   <em:updateHash>sha256:18be1821a7f2e6bfb9de59b11d3ae18b92271b354bb8b38f8a06e9d99a37a6fe</em:updateHash>
>>>               </RDF:Description>
>>>           </em:targetApplication>
>>>       </RDF:Description>
>>> </RDF:RDF>
>>>> On 1/21/21 10:03 AM, Srevin Saju wrote:
>>>>> Right. I will configure ASLO-v4 to email sugar-devel@ with release
>>>>> notifications.
>>>>> Thanks to all developers, mentors who helped me out with this. Had a
>>>>> great experience working with it!!!
>>>>> On 1/21/21 10:00 AM, James Cameron wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks, great work.  Merged 204.
>>>>>> I've also updated Browse.
>>>>>> https://github.com/sugarlabs/browse-activity/commit/de3c4800ec705e5543c6be2c4d4695255d6e5aac
>>>>>> I would prefer new version notifications to go to
>>>>>> sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org, as that's one place we've seen them
>>>>>> previously.  aslo at lists.sugarlabs.org was for handling by library
>>>>>> editors, but we don't have any active, and we don't have the same
>>>>>> process with v4.
>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 09:16:47AM +0300, Srevin Saju wrote:
>>>>>>> G'day!
>>>>>>> ASLO-v4 is finally up at https://v4.activities.sugarlabs.org!
>>>>>>> ... with only
>>>>>>> a few more minor tidying up, ASLO-v4 will be ready for production.
>>>>>>> Activity maintainers can now push their bundles to ASLO-v4 by
>>>>>>> following the
>>>>>>> instructions on
>>>>>>> https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Service/activities4 as well
>>>>>>> as, that mentioned in https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-docs/pull/204.
>>>>>>> Please feel free to reach out, so that I can improve the existing
>>>>>>> documentation, or anything you think is too complex.
>>>>>>> Next steps:
>>>>>>>     * Connect services/update-aslo.php and deploy a flask server (I am
>>>>>>>       trying to get a hold of some more good apache knowledge)
>>>>>>>     * Sending "new version detected" emails to aslo at lists.sugarlabs.org,
>>>>>>>       or should we create a new mailing list?
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Srevin Saju
>>>>>>> https://srevinsaju.me
>>>>>> pub   RSA 4096/66D390D7 2020-05-19 Srevin Saju (srevinsaju)
>>>>>> <srevinsaju at sugarlabs.org>
>>>>>>> sub   RSA 4096/14479587 2020-05-19
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Systems mailing list
>>>>>>> Systems at lists.sugarlabs.org
>>>>>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/systems
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Sugar-devel mailing list
>>>>>> Sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org
>>>>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel
>>>> -- 
>>>> Srevin Saju
>>>> https://srevinsaju.me
>>> pub   RSA 4096/66D390D7 2020-05-19 Srevin Saju (srevinsaju) <srevinsaju at sugarlabs.org>
>>>> sub   RSA 4096/14479587 2020-05-19
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Sugar-devel mailing list
>>>> Sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org
>>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel
>> -- 
>> Srevin Saju
>> https://srevinsaju.me
> pub   RSA 4096/66D390D7 2020-05-19 Srevin Saju (srevinsaju) <srevinsaju at sugarlabs.org>
>> sub   RSA 4096/14479587 2020-05-19
Srevin Saju

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