[Sugar-devel] Blocks Reorganization Proposal Review Request

Anindya Kundu anindyaak007 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 08:58:47 EDT 2021

I like the idea of cards inside swim lanes which I think could encourage
writing programs in small chunks like we do in actual programming
languages. Perhaps, users could only have one block stack in a card, and it
is positioned properly so the UX is nice. But, if we allow only one stack
per card, it might be difficult to move blocks in/out of the stacks; need a
nice approach to it.

I have a couple more comments. First, the idea behind having the blocks in
the same container as the canvas was to maximize real estate. Sometimes,
the current way of doing things is what the user might like. Another time,
the users may just want one swim lane, or maybe three. Also, there is an
issue about screen resizing. It'd be good if you can think a bit about easy
transitioning between the different modes.

Another thing I'd encourage you to think is in terms of managing 'start'
and 'action' blocks. These are ultimately the top-level blocks. Any other
top level block is just for prototyping for eventual insertion into a
'start' or 'action' block. So, I think it would be a better idea to
maintain a separate list for these two kinds of blocks (cards in your
design) from the rest of the block stacks (I like to call them 'crumbs').

*Anindya Kundu*

*BTech, 8th Semester*
*Dept. of Information Technology*

*Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur*

On Fri, 2 Apr 2021 at 17:59, Daksh Doshi <ddaksh.2711 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Everyone!
> I am Daksh Doshi and I am posting my proposal for the project: "Music
> Blocks Project Blocks Reorganization". Please provide your valuable
> feedback.
> Looking forward to hearing from you.
> Thanks and regards.
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