[Sugar-devel] Help testing a nasty bug affecting Sugar Live Build

Martin Guy martinwguy at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 07:52:19 EST 2020

I'm trying to isolate a strange bug, probably in the XOrg accelerated
video drivers or in the way that Sugar uses them, which makes
github.com/login show the Username/Password box for one second and
then makes the whole tab gray.
The same happens on try.sugarizer.org -> End -> New user.
More: https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-live-build/issues/20

I have only been able to test this on a laptop with NVidia G72M video, where
the bug bites, and on a custom box with Radeon HD 6550D video where it doesn't
and would appreciate test results for other video cards.

The test ISOs and the testing procedure (in README.txt) are under

You'll need any Intel or AMD computer with 1GB RAM, a >=1GB USB pen
drive, the time to download 1GB, two reboots and about ten minutes.

Thanks in advance


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