[Sugar-devel] Situation update

Anindya Kundu anindyaak007 at gmail.com
Mon May 25 23:30:03 EDT 2020

Dear James,

Thanks for the feedback. In the last meeting before the interruption I
briefly informed that I was exploring the feature.

Walter has been walking me through some of the important code, and I'm
experimenting to figure out how to create the required class structures. I
feel there will be a lot of moving parts, and so keeping a dynamic log is
crucial for us to synchronize along, and keeping it close to the code feels

I'll bring this up with him in today's meeting and push an update. Since
we're having a brief group meeting every weekday, I think communication
should be fine.

On Tue, 26 May 2020, 2:47 am James Cameron, <quozl at laptop.org> wrote:

> Welcome back, Anindya.
> I'm very familiar with electricity transmission networks.  After a
> severe storm, replacement components are taken from storage and put in
> service, and new component orders made.  The delay you experienced is
> expected.
> Be cautious about using Projects feature.  I've used it too.  It is
> good for organising work, but you must take the time to measure
> engagement by others, otherwise it creates an isolation.  Once the
> isolation is identified, you have to do two things each day (a) update
> the project, and (b) tell people you updated the project.
> On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 06:15:41PM +0530, Anindya Kundu wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Thanks for understanding my situation. Electricity has finally been
> restored
> > and things are recovering. There is an issue with the broadband which
> will
> > hopefully be fixed in a couple of days, now that the electricity is back.
> >
> > I joined our daily meeting today from my phone, barely getting in before
> it
> > ended. I had a quick chat and informed about my state. I'll be meeting
> tomorrow
> > half an hour early with Walter, before out group gathering.
> >
> > Meanwhile, I'll get back to work by tonight. I'll start with some
> experiment
> > code I was trying out, to eventually get on with the Note class we were
> > discussing.
> >
> > I've previously mentioned that I'll be working on a branch
> wip-note-class in
> > [1]my fork of Music Blocks. I was exploring the 'Projects' feature on
> GitHub,
> > and found that it can be useful. I've created a project in the said
> repository
> > and I'll be updating my progress there.
> >
> > Regards.
> >
> >     Anindya Kundu
> >
> > References:
> >
> > [1] https://github.com/meganindya/musicblocks
> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.netrek.org/
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