[Sugar-devel] Meeting summary and activity suggestions

Jui Pradhan juipradhan2k at gmail.com
Fri May 8 12:57:52 EDT 2020

Congratulations to all students whose GSoC proposals got accepted! :)

I had a meet with my mentor today (8th May)
We discussed the project and what I will be working on in the next few
days. Here is a summary:

   - I will be completing my open pull requests first which include
   activities- Bridge, Recall, Paths, Jumble and analyze journal.
   - Briefly discussed the collaboration in activities.
   - We also discussed about the activities I think had major changes and
   need to be released. Activities like : hit-the-balls activity, follow me,
   nutrition, word cloud, etc. I will be testing these set of activities next
   and fixing bugs or adding the necessary features before release.
   - Moreover, we talked about the selection of 10 more activities to be
   worked on. For my GSoC project, I proposed to work on activities which have
   a high pedagogical value.
   - Inaddition to that, we decided to have weekly meets to discuss
   progress and the project plan.

I'm willing to lookup the activities which need to be maintained or
released soon. Do reply to this mail if you have suggestions for the
activities I should work on.

Jui Pradhan
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