[Sugar-devel] [GSOC' 20] Idea Discussion (Port Sugarizer activities to Sugar)

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Mon Mar 23 03:25:33 EDT 2020

Hello Saumya.

Activities for Sugar can be written in any language, but are mostly
written in Python (~90%) and JavaScript (~5%).

Activities for Sugarizer are written in JavaScript.

Both Sugar and Sugarizer share a Sugar Web activity library, which
provides API for navigation, Journal, and other services.

Do not rewrite a JavaScript activity in Python unless there is some
technical reason you can explain for it.  Why cannot it run as
JavaScript?  If there is a problem, fix it.

Do post your proposal as a PDF to the mailing list.

On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 12:03:12PM +0530, Saumya Prakash wrote:
> Hi !
> My name is Saumya Prakash. I have some questions regarding the idea [1]Port
> Sugarizer activities to Sugar. 
>  1. Is it okay to say that if  I can't find Sugarizer activity written in
>     python this mean that I have to write in python following [2]these steps
>     and this is known as porting Sugarizer activities to Sugar.
>  2. I am not able to understand "backport the changes from Sugarizer to 
>     sugar-web". (in Suggested issues to work on)
> Currently, I found [3]GetThingsDone activity is not in python so I am writing
> it in py to understand and gain some experience in writing activities and try
> to release it. 
> I have shared my GDoc link of proposal at gsoc website but its not completed. I
> will share it to mailing list as soon as I completes it and clears all my
> doubts.
> Thank you.
> References:
> [1] https://github.com/sugarlabs/GSoC/blob/master/Ideas-2020.md#port-sugarizer-activities-to-sugar
> [2] http://write.flossmanuals.net/make-your-own-sugar-activities/creating-your-first-activity/
> [3] https://github.com/llaske/sugarizer/tree/master/activities/GetThingsDone.activity

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James Cameron

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