[Sugar-devel] Request for sugarizer knowledge activity pack proposal review

Lionel Laské lionel.laske at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 12:35:19 EDT 2020

Hi Prakash,

Nice proposal.

I'm surprised about your mention of Sugarizer Vue Activity Template: it's
very cool. It could be completed by a full implementation of the tutorial
in Vue.js.

Regarding the Curriculum activity, skills completed should be displayed in
a different way than skills uncompleted. i.e. the use should not have to
click on a skill to know if it's completed or not. I'm not sure what the
"Progress" button will show.

Regarding the Vote activity, I don't see the interest of "Time period or
expiry   date/time of poll": it will start/stop when the host determine it.
Same for "Max   number of votes allowed"; every user connected to the
activity should be able to vote.



Le sam. 21 mars 2020 à 19:33, <sugar-devel-request at lists.sugarlabs.org> a
écrit :

> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2020 00:03:12 +0530
> From: prakash ujjwal <prakashujjwal1010 at gmail.com>
> To: Sugar-dev Devel <sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org>
> Subject: [Sugar-devel] Request for sugarizer knowledge activity pack
>         proposal review
> Message-ID:
>         <
> CA+Gs6iWFTviewrDbBPRBsusdQBcnpTNMHXYb+ffSdfyFNcXH+g at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi,
> Hope you all are doing well.
> I have attached my proposal for sugarizer knowledge activity pack project
> idea.
> Kindly review the same. Any suggestion would be appreciated and helpful.
> Thanks and regards
> Prakash Ujjwal
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