[Sugar-devel] GSoC 2020 five month plans

IQRA MUHAMMAD iqra.muhammad15 at ce.ceme.edu.pk
Thu Mar 19 11:01:53 EDT 2020

Hi ,

I won't be able to commit as a mentor for this year's google summer of
code, hence I can be removed from the mentor's list.


On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 6:07 AM James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org> wrote:

> Hello mentors,
> Stephanie wrote:
> > The world is certainly in upheaval right now and there is a lot of
> > stress for everyone so we want everyone to be safe and take care of
> > themselves and their families. This may mean priorities for some
> > mentors and org admins change and they may no longer be able to
> > commit to being a part of GSoC 2020, we understand that and we
> > support you making the best decisions for your families.  We just
> > ask you to communicate with the org admins so they can better plan
> > for what the next 5 months will look like for your community and its
> > participation in GSoC.
> Given the new circumstances, please confirm you are still able to
> commit to GSoC for 2020?
> Can you dedicate six hours a week?
> Please keep Walter and myself informed.
> Also, please do your mentoring in public as much as possible, so we
> can cover for you and watch out for missing mentors.
> Welcome to Rahul.  We have 15 mentors listed on the dashboard, and
> we're waiting for Devin and Sumit to respond to the Google invitation
> message.
> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.netrek.org/
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