[Sugar-devel] Updates: Python3 app store (aslov4) : Sugar App Store

Srevin Saju srevinsaju at sugarlabs.org
Tue Jun 16 12:42:56 EDT 2020

  Hey Shaan,

Thanks for your suggestions. I have also quite felt that. Working on a 
simpler theme right now!!

I were having the plan of adding three themes :

  * classic (extremely less css; looks like 1995)
  * simple (moderate css; looks simple: white/black)
  * colorful (too much css; looks special)


/> Cool lava lamp toggle :P/

That was actually a feature that turned into a bug, and now back into a 
feature. I liked the moving gradient animation which makes it stand out 
from other popular websites, and I did not want to get lose of it. 
Recently, Manish found out that the CPU usage becomes near to 90% while 
using a Chromium Browser. On Firefox, (Gecko Engine), it did not make a 
noticeable usage. So, the hack was to use GPU by tricking Chromium to 
think it actually needs some GPU computation, hence reducing the stress 
on CPU.

.fun-gradient-animation-bg {
     /* Add some fun here */
     background: linear-gradient(270deg, #246655, #0086d2, #d100d2);
     background-size: 600% 600%;
     -webkit-animation: GradientFun 30s ease infinite;
     -moz-animation: GradientFun 30s ease infinite;
     -o-animation: GradientFun 30s ease infinite;
     animation: GradientFun 30s ease infinite;
     Optimize CPU usage on Chromium
     translate: translate3d(0, 0, 0)  /* THIS LINE */

So, I did not want to make users leave this page because of a CPU usage, 
even though its fixed. So I added a toggle. Creative users are likely to 
press the lab button and enable the transitional gradient. Its actually 
called Easter Eggs in programming. It brings a intimacy between a 
developer and a user; (you may like to read this 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_egg_(media)#Software). Its actually 
cool how some famous software uses Easter Eggs.

/> Pagination might also be a good addition./

Yea, Pagination might significantly reduce load time. It would be a 
great feature / addition!!  I am trying to learn how to implement it here.

I started working on this so that I could get some hands on experience 
on Javascript / HTML and CSS. :D. Learning little by little :D

Thanks again for your suggestions. Lets hope for a soon release 0.1.alpha

On 16/06/2020 19:26, shaansubbaiah.cs18 at bmsce.ac.in wrote:
> Hey Srevin,
> This looks really good! Page load times, search was fast. Haven't 
> tried downloading any Activities though.
> It may just be me but the page has a little too much contrast with the 
> colors.
> Pagination might also be a good addition. Cool lava lamp toggle :P
> Will be waiting for a full release 😃
> Best,
> Shaan
> On Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 9:24:53 PM GMT+5:30, Srevin Saju 
> <srevinsaju at sugarlabs.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> Hope all are having a safe week amid nCoV.
> I and Manish (sugar at radii.dev <mailto:sugar at radii.dev>) had been 
> working on the GSoC project which did not get a slot (Python3 app 
> store aslov4), and I guess we have made good progress in it. /We 
> decided to collaborate on the project because a frontend and backend 
> developer combo helps to get the best features of both ends :D./
> /To avoid misconceptions and misinterpretations, please read the 
> entire email before replying. Thanks!   :P/
> *Need Statement*:
> In short, the most important points
>   * /Create the simplest possible app store for Sugar activities,
>     where each activity included has been (a) ported to Python 3 and
>     released, and (b) tested on Sugar Live Build./
>   * /We used to have an app store for Sugar activities, but because we
>     can't seem to attract any PHP developers the app store has failed
>     to keep up with development./
>   * /We now use activities.sugarlabs.org for Python 2 activities only./
>   * /We have tried to make a replacement for activities.sugarlabs.org
>     <https://activities.sugarlabs.org> three times, and each time the
>     features we need were not finished. These projects have been too
>     ambitious and have not been supported collectively by the Sugar
>     Labs community./
> /~ from 
> //https://github.com/sugarlabs/GSoC/blob/master/Ideas-2020.md#sugar-app-store-for-python-3-activities-aslov4 
> <https://github.com/sugarlabs/GSoC/blob/master/Ideas-2020.md#sugar-app-store-for-python-3-activities-aslov4>/
> This made us rethink the idea of a redesigned app store for sugarlabs. 
> This, would be a collection of all the activities in sugarlabs 
> organization which can be /*successfully* built/ without /errors/.
> The *new app store *is special in a lot of ways, let me bring out 
> the/most important points:/
>  1. The appstore is built in _pure static HTML_, Vanilla Javascript
>     <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript> and
>     JQuery <https://jquery.com/>. Anyone with /basic Javascript
>     knowledge/ can easily add features. Theming and customization are
>     provided by Bootstrap4 <https://getbootstrap.com>. The theme,
>     scripts are completely _independent_ of each other. Changes to the
>     /will not /affect the generation of the appstore.
>  2. *Search function* is provided by a powerful Javascript library
>     called minisearch <https://github.com/lucaong/minisearch> which is
>     an open source search indexer. All processing is therefore done on
>     client side. The benefits of using an external library are many,
>     as you know,
>  3. The App Store is based on *JSON* (/Javascript Object Notation/).
>     an "index.json" is produced by the generator helper script so that
>     search indexing, activity filtering can be easily done on the
>     client side.
>  4. Python scripts
>     <https://github.com/sugarlabs-appstore/sugarappstore> are used to
>     generate static HTML files of the app bundles and *index.json*.
>     The activity's unique HTML document is produced without style /
>     css, and are externally loaded, so that it can be customized /
>     removed whenever necessary (for example on very low bandwidth
>     connections, or for adding another theme)
>  5. Sugar Appstore depends on *static HTML*s also because, it can be
>     useful for SEOs, and to provide an external link to the activity
>     from a third party website. Dynamically filtered search results
>     might not be static. Providing a correct link to the bundle helps
>     another user to share a specific activity bundle with another
>  6. All the activities on https://github.com/sugarlabs
>     <https://github.com/sugarlabs>are*indexed automatically *</see
>     /*(**9**)*>//and built using *Continuous Integration* (GitHub
>     Actions) over here
>     <https://github.com/srevisaju/sugar-activity-build>. Out of 300+
>     bundles, *199* and /still counting /have successfully built a *.xo
>     bundle and are continuously uploaded to CDN.
>  7. The*appstore could be downloaded for Offline use*, or can be
>     hosted on a local server if a user would not like to use the
>     online one. This is specifically useful, if a school would host,
>     the sugar appstore on its local server, so students could download
>     activities without accessing the internet. The entire app store
>     (/batteries/ and /bundles/ included) weighs approximately 613 MB.
>     See /this
>     <https://github.com/srevinsaju/sugar-activity-build/releases/tag/latest>/
>     for a detailed idea.
>  8. In case a user would like to add_another bundle _to the sugar
>     appstore, previously he/she had to have a SugarLabs shell account
>     (AFAIK, and /as far as I understand/). This might limit the
>     accessibility to some users. This is hence solved by a new system
>     of adding bundles to the activity. _*Pull Request to Add
>     Applications * _is system which I adopted from the AppImage Hub
>     (https://github.com/appimage/appimage.github.io
>     <https://github.com/appimage/appimage.github.io>) where a similar
>     app store <https://appimage.github.io> is built based on the same
>     concept. Every PR is tested by continuous integration, and then
>     all successfully merged PRs are added to the website, and the
>     static website rebuild is triggered on each commit. A similar idea
>     is implemented in Sugarlabs Appstore. This ensures that a .xo can
>     be built on another host also using the same commands. Improving
>     the quality of the bundles. For information regarding how to add a
>     bundle, see this
>     <https://github.com/srevinsaju/sugar-activity-build#adding-your-bundles-xo>.
>     For a sample PR which intends to add a bundle, see PR#6
>     <https://github.com/srevinsaju/sugar-activity-build/pull/6> which
>     intends to add Jupyter Activity. All /urls/ which can be cloned
>     using /git/ <https://git-scm.com/> are accepted. You may look into
>     how the build script works here
>     https://github.com/srevinsaju/sugar-activity-build/blob/master/.github/workflows/bundle_test.yml
>     <https://github.com/srevinsaju/sugar-activity-build/blob/master/.github/workflows/bundle_test.yml>.
>     /For those users who are not interested in GitHub, its recommended
>     if Sugarlabs would host a GitLab which also supports CI; As this
>     issue has been discussed previously, I am not putting too much
>     insight into the same; :D/
>  9. Builds are refreshed *every 5th minute *of a day; (cron: "5 * * *
>     *"). There is no specific reason why 5th minute is chosen, mostly
>     because I can finish pushing changes between 0th minute and 5th
>     minute (normally because my school classes finish at the 0th
>     minute; LOL; )
> 10. *Builds are hosted to netlify CDN*. *Netlify* CDN is chosen
>     because its free for open source, and it also has a capability to
>     get form submissions without a server. This is a cheap
>     implementation without a server. There is no other reason why
>     netlify chosen. Netlify has a very permissive quota. Other static
>     site hosting as such as github.io will make the repo huge; or will
>     require payment. Moreover. build on netlify takes only 1minute and
>     5 seconds to complete, with older fast network speed.
> 11. *Responsive HTML design*. Makes it adaptable on all screen sizes,
>     on small android phones to 1080p screens and much more. This is
>     better for SEO, as well as accessibility.
> 12. *Lighthouse speed testing* shows better /cumulative/ speed score
>     than activities.sugarlabs.org. On Desktop, the score for ASLOv4 is
>     94/100; on mobile its 76/100 for ASLOv4. For
>     activities.sugarlabs.org, its 89/100 on Desktop, 76/100 on mobile.
>     Results may vary slightly from time to time; Repeat tests to get
>     concurrent values. Results provided by Lighthouse
>     <https://github.com/googlechrome/lighthouse> powered by Google.
>     Result details for sugarstore.netlify.app :
>     https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsugarstore.netlify.app%2F&tab=desktop
>     <https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsugarstore.netlify.app%2F&tab=desktop>;
>     Result details for activities.sugarlabs.org:
>     https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=https%3A%2F%2Factivities.sugarlabs.org&tab=desktop
>     <https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=https%3A%2F%2Factivities.sugarlabs.org&tab=desktop>
> 13. Its possible to embed (keeping a local copy of) /JQuery/ and
>     /Bootstrap/ for offline use, but I personally prefer to keep the
>     cdn (i.e <script>), this is because; modern browsers automatically
>     cache commonly used script files. So this would increase the
>     performance with caching. This will not require the user to
>     download the libs again. Moreover, if the user has visited any
>     other site which uses the same library, it would be actually better.
> 14. It looks sophisticated to keep a download count on static
>     websites, but that does not mean its impossible. Its nevertheless,
>     not possible (afaik) to get download files with only static files
>     (i.e without a server to depend on). I could
>      1. send a POST request to another server, which would increment
>         the download count on every click of the download button;
>         along with a GET request from the server to get the download
>         count. This would imply, for every activity; a GET request
>         will be emitted, or preferably, a single GET request to get
>         all the download counts and update each of the activity shown
>         for display with the new
>      2. Use Firebase Library to create a firebase server where I could
>         use Cloud Firestore and send and receive download stats.
>         However, this has a few cons: i.e increase the page load time
>         from 1.1s to 2.3 seconds; as well as make it complex to
>         protect the server from user manipulation of the download
>         count. I have tried this, I will enable it, if necessary
>      3. Add a download analytics with a one way download count (send
>         only - no receive). By using Google Analytics, I can send
>         custom event trigger, and administrators can analyze and
>         filter data / sort data by download counts. I, however, did
>         not find a direct method to get data from Google Analytics.
> 15. Future Additions:
>      1. *Add Featured Activities*: Activities which are most worked
>         on: i.e *MusicBlocks*, *TurtleArt*, *Physics* Activities,
>         *Fructose* Set of Activities could get a wide card along with
>         a feature image. This will act as a showcase to the developer
>         and the activity; mostly based on GitHub Stargazers. /I would
>         like to follow https://snapcraft.io <https://snapcraft.io> as
>         a reference from which Ubuntu Software is built./
>      2. *Add a link to **Flatpak**Package*: this aslov4 could be the
>         /final/ activity store for sugarlabs. Recently many
>         contributions have diverged. Its important to unify them
>         together. Some users might prefer flatpak over a .xo file.
>         Activities that are packaged as Flatpaks are good because some
>         users, follow a modern desktop system, or might not be
>         interested to install Sugar OS to run sugar desktop. For those
>         corner cases, providing Flatpak as an alternative would not
>         let users turn away from using Sugar Activities. Primarily
>         Sugar Activities are meant for improving a child's skills or
>         understanding; which ever mode, an activity is distributed;
>         i.e., the most accessible package.
>      3. Add information to other packages of sugar activity bundle.
>         This includes Ubuntu Packages. Fedora RPMs, and the Arch Linux
>         Community Packages; I will need a way to identify each of
>         them; But at the present, I would like to leave it as is. If
>         any developers at sugar is interested to change some structure
>         of Sugar Repository, this would make things faster.
>      4. *Add a screenshot, description tag in activity.info*:
>         Screenshots of the working activity on the appstore will
>         probably give a clearer idea on how the activity works. The
>         https://help.sugarlabs.org <https://help.sugarlabs.org> is not
>         frequently updated with changes on activity's repository. If
>         we could add another tag called screenshots (following the
>         convention given by Martin on
>         https://github.com/tchx84/sugarapp
>         <https://github.com/tchx84/sugarapp>. See
>         https://github.com/tchx84/sugarapp/blob/master/flatpak-guide.md#porting-an-application-with-sugarapp
>         <https://github.com/tchx84/sugarapp/blob/master/flatpak-guide.md#porting-an-application-with-sugarapp>
>         (point 7) on how an ideal "activity.info" could be created.
>         This would help me out in creating a better appstore (faster).
>         The new"activity.info" could include 'screenshot' and
>         'description' tag which is not currently used. Martin has also
>         mentioned of the source of the new data in the link given below.
>      5. Create a*Python3 minimal activity *which does not need to load
>         the entire website for downloading an activity. The activity
>         will just pull index.json, and parse it. As the extra HTML,
>         CSS, and JS are unnecessary for a GTK3 based sugar-activity,
>         it would help to save a lot of data, especially on countries
>         where internet connection is extremely slow (/50kbps/ ?)
> I would like to convey my thanks to Manish for providing me frequent 
> suggestions and always pointing out important flaws ( High CPU usage 
> bug in /Chromium/Chrome/ Browser: 
> 65a7b8f3ea2593976ef21df7a2592b030501c6d8 
> <https://github.com/sugarlabs-appstore/sugarappstore-static/commit/65a7b8f3ea2593976ef21df7a2592b030501c6d8> 
> , Accessibility ), and also the base repository, i.e., 
> https://github.com/free-libre-software/sugarappstore 
> <https://github.com/free-libre-software/sugarappstore> as a template 
> and idea provider for the /sugarlabs app store/ to take this shape.
> ________________________________________________
> *Logo*:
> The logo is designed under Creative Commons License Attribution Share 
> Alike 4.0. You may get the source code of the logo here:
> /*source*/: https://github.com/sugarlabs-appstore/appstore-assets 
> <https://github.com/sugarlabs-appstore/appstore-assets>
> The logo has been designed with modern conventions of app design - 
> symmetry and vibrance. Maybe its similar to the colorful icon design 
> proposal for GSoC : 
> /https://github.com/sugarlabs/GSoC/blob/master/Ideas-2020.md#colored-desktop-and-activity-icons 
> <https://github.com/sugarlabs/GSoC/blob/master/Ideas-2020.md#colored-desktop-and-activity-icons>/
> ________________________________________________
> *Generator* (tool used to generate static webpages):
> The generator is script which automates build process of bundles and 
> writes static HTML files. Primarily written on Python Programming 
> Language, can be customized with alternative script files which are 
> supported on Linux. Generator, aka (internally called), SaaSBuild 
> (Build tool for Sugarlabs Activity App Store), is designed to be multi 
> platform supported, although tested on Linux only. Its possible to run 
> it on other OSes too.
> /*source*/: https://github.com/sugarlabs-appstore/sugarappstore 
> <https://github.com/sugarlabs-appstore/sugarappstore>
> *NOTE* [IMPORTANT]: Current development goes on in PR#4 
> (/https://github.com/sugarlabs-appstore/sugarappstore/pull/4 
> <https://github.com/sugarlabs-appstore/sugarappstore/pull/4>/). You 
> might need to checkout *oop-ss* if you want to test out the latest 
> features. The *master* branch contains the work by Manish before the 
> official start of GSoC. /The PR is waiting for a review./
> ________________________________________________
> *Static HTML, CSS, JS*
> These are files which can be run without the need of the generated 
> index.json. Using JQuery, the data is dynamically read, and updated on 
> the index.html.
> /Q) Why was Static parts of the website not merged with the generator 
> (SaaSBuild)?/
> Its because of yet another few reasons
>   * Another developer could manually add his own themes / html
>     styleset with, maybe another JS Framework, for example React,
>     Angular or Vue.js later. He/She would not have to rewrite the
>     Generator class again for changing the frontend part.
>   * Developers who are willing to contribute to HTML / Web design / Js
>     can only work on the "static" repository. This will help to
>     (probably) increase contributors. A developer who is only good at
>     JS would not be hence be discouraged to contribute to the current
>     repository, if Python is also involved.
> */source/: *https://github.com/sugarlabs-appstore/sugarappstore-static 
> <https://github.com/sugarlabs-appstore/sugarappstore-static>
> ________________________________________________
> *Continuous Integration*
> Continuous Integration Downloads and sets up Sugar desktop, i.e 
> /sugar-toolkit-gtk3/, /sugar/,/sugar-datastore/, /sugar-artwork/ and 
> creates bundles and packages it for publish to CDN
> /*source*/: https://github.com/srevinsaju/sugar-activity-build 
> <https://github.com/srevinsaju/sugar-activity-build>
> ________________________________________________
> The _best_ part, check it out here: *https://sugarstore.netlify.app 
> <https://sugarstore.netlify.app>*
> For a list of indexed apps in a portable format:
>   * *https://sugarstore.netlify.app/index.json
>     <https://sugarstore.netlify.app/index.json>*
>   * *https://github.com/srevinsaju/sugar-activity-build/releases/download/latest/index.json
>     <https://github.com/srevinsaju/sugar-activity-build/releases/download/latest/index.json>*
>   * *https://github.com/srevinsaju/sugar-activity-build/releases/download/latest/sitemap.xml
>     <https://github.com/srevinsaju/sugar-activity-build/releases/download/latest/sitemap.xml>*
> For bundles app store (portable - except cdn), see
> *https://github.com/srevinsaju/sugar-activity-build/releases 
> <https://github.com/srevinsaju/sugar-activity-build/releases>*
> ________________________________________________
> */Q) How to run the appstore?/*
> Use any static hosting server; for testing I use:
>   * python3 -m http.server 3000
>   * gunicorn
>   * php
>   * npm install -g http-server; http-server
>   * apache
>   * ngrok
>   * serveo
> *Regarding whom to approach:*
> We are working on two different things. Manish 
> <mailto:sugar at radii.dev> knows a way lot more than me regarding HTTP 
> Headers, Sphinx, CORS, User-Agent, and other web server related 
> stuff.I <mailto:srevinsaju at sugarlabs.org>am working on design (css, 
> html, js) and the generator script (python), and those related to 
> sugar GTK shell, sugar activities. We both collaborate on working with 
> the generator script.
> =====================================
> Hope everyone like this. All questions are welcome. Please note that 
> the App Store has/not yet released v0.1,/ so its basically in /alpha/.
> PS: If anyone is interested to contribute, PRs are welcome. Please 
> reply me on this thread if you require access to 
> https://github.com/sugarlabs-appstore/ 
> <https://github.com/sugarlabs-appstore/> organization. It was created 
> so that Manish and I could collaborate. And also so that, development 
> won't freeze in the absence of one.
> PS: If you have some other /sweet/ suggestions for Sugarlabs App Store 
> (name), please let me know. Just as /jarabe/, /carquinyol/, and 
> /sucrose/ are used within sugar, it might be interesting for kids to 
> see their favorite sweet on the screen. We have stuck with 
> sugarlabs-appstore, as we did not get any other name!
> Thanks if you read all the way till here!!
> Stay safe! Take care!!
> V/r Srevin Saju https://github.com/srevinsaju  <https://github.com/srevinsaju>
> _______________________________________________
> Sugar-devel mailing list
> Sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org <mailto:Sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org>
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel 
> <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel>

Srevin Saju

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