[Sugar-devel] Sugarizer Knowledge Activity Pack meeting [8 July]

Dhruv Misra dhruvmisra at live.com
Wed Jul 8 10:44:06 EDT 2020

Hey there,

I had the weekly meeting with my mentor Lionel today i.e. 8 July at 13H UTC.

We discussed the final minor corrections in the Curriculum activity and discussed the implementations of export algorithms. Then we discussed the various UI elements in detail of the Vote activity. We also decided to update Fraction with the updated Sugar components.

  *   Tasks from last week:
     *   Added ODT generation to Curriculum
     *   Added a tutorial to Curriculum
     *   Updated Sugar components to use ES6 features

  *   Issues encountered last week: None

  *   Tasks for next week:
     *   Create a design prototype for Vote activity and initialize the project
     *   Test and finalize the Curriculum activity
     *   Update the Fraction activity with updated Sugar components

Dhruv Misra

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