[Sugar-devel] Project: graphic design for resolution independence

Martin Abente martin.abente.lahaye at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 19:11:06 EST 2020

On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 8:50 PM James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org> wrote:

> Many older activities were designed for the 4:3 aspect ratio 1200x900
> pixel display of the original OLPC XO laptop, which had a button to rotate
> the screen by 90°.
> Now Sugar is being used on other laptops and computers with an aspect
> ratio of 16:9 and higher resolutions, and screen rotation may occur
> automatically.
> Display resolution may also change when an external display is plugged in.

It does, and since external displays don't necessary use the same
resolution as the primary one our current approach of
Gdk.Screen.width/height results in a very broken experience.


The solution I am using for the Flatpak ports is to force activities to
display only on the primary monitor. I prepared a helper to make these
fixes a bit easier in sugarapp lib.

See https://github.com/tchx84/sugarapp/blob/master/sugarapp/helpers.py#L24

The project is to deploy a set of solutions specific to each activity;
> * for backgrounds; either redesign the background image for higher
> resolutions, or use tiling,
> * for game assets; either redesign the asset as a vector, or redesign for
> a higher resolution,
> * detect resolution changes and resize user interface elements,
> * test on all standard resolutions and 90° rotations.
> Technologies needed: PNG, SVG, Inkscape, git, Python, GTK, and Pygame.
> Skills needed: graphic design, software design, and software maintenance.
> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.netrek.org/
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