[Sugar-devel] [FEATURE] Create an adapter that calls the third parties/libraries for better maintainability.

Alejandro García tonadevv at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 23:04:02 EST 2019

Let's discard the adapter/shim (main goal is to reduce the dependency).

Isn't there anything that we can do to reduce the dependency. Especially
with Gtk.

Why aren't CollabWrapper and SugarGame very common between activities?
Especially CollabWrapper.

If CollabWrapper is simple, why not expanding it?

On Sun, Feb 10, 2019, 10:42 PM James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 08:19:03PM -0600, Alejandro García wrote:
> > I was thinking something like calling a GtkAdapter.Label(...) instead of
> > Gtk.Label (...), or a WebKitAdapter.emit_signal (...) instead of
> > WebKit2.emit_signal (...).
> >
> > Are these examples more clear of what I'm trying to say?
> Another word for this is a shim.  An abstraction that only exists to
> hide version dependencies.
> We have an example of a WebKit API verson independence shim in Sugar, see
> https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar/tree/master/src/jarabe/view
> viewhelp_webkit1.py is the shim for WebKit.
> viewhelp_webkit2.py is the shim for WebKit2.
> viewhelp.py choses which of the shims to use.
> A disadvantage of shims is huge increase in the number of lines of
> code to be maintained.
> We cannot use a shim for GTK 2 and GTK 3 independence, because at the
> same time the binding moved from static to introspection; PyGObject.
> > The CollabWrapper and SugarGame projects are closer to what I'm
> > trying to say.  But not the SugarToolkit, as it creates some
> > widgets, but if the developer needs more, he will use the Gtk
> > library directly.
> Okay.  But to proceed with this idea, you must identify a clear
> benefit to cover the maintenance cost of adding the shim.
> Long term, CollabWrapper could be added to the Toolkit, as it has no
> additional dependencies.
> Sugargame cannot be added without creating a dependency for Pygame,
> which is something that has been resisted for some time; Pygame
> activities often do not adapt well to screen rotation and different
> display sizes.
> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.netrek.org/
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