[Sugar-devel] Regarding Stand at FOSDEM [1-2 February]

Vipul Gupta vipulgupta2048 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 14:27:15 EST 2019

Thanks Devin, for the vote of confidence. I will get started right on that.
I think planning is needed and as we enter this new decade. It would surely
help out a lot.

Some Updates regarding FOSDEM,
I have forwarded emails containing information about stands received from
FOSDEM to @Alex Perez <aperez at alexperez.com> and @Samson Goddy
<samsongoddy at gmail.com> as they are both confirmed to go. We also have
tentatively @Peace Ojemeh <perriefidelis at gmail.com>. I am not sure if I can
make it as I am still looking for a way to reach there. Maybe next year.
Folks for updated information, you can also check this
https://fosdem.org/2020/stands/. Currently, our stand location has been
updated. So, check that out as well. Let me know how I can help more. I
would have forwarded the message from FOSDEM to the list, but its really
long so didn't.

Thanks! Looking forward to helping out!

On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 8:29 PM Devin Ulibarri <devin at ulibarri.website>

> Hi Vipul,
> Thanks for all this.
> On Thu, 2019-12-05 at 19:18 +0530, Vipul Gupta wrote:
> > Thanks, James, I went through the logs. I concur with the views put
> > forward by MrBIOS and Samson. I think conferences help.
> They most certainly can.
> As a new org, with a new set of responsibilities, what we need is the
> following:
> 1. Strategic Planning
>   * Where do we see ourselves in 3, 5, and 10 years
>   * Marketing Strategy (which can include conferences, etc.)
>   * Business Model (what are our revenue sources and how we get them,
> what are the inputs and outputs for our resources--time included)
> 2. A Budget
>   * Given our current situation, what can we afford
>   * Based on different assumptions, what might we be able to afford if
> we meet our goals.
> This is a top-down approach. A bottom-up approach is "I found an
> awesome opportunity, let's go for it." I have found, through my
> experience, that both are important.
> > Regarding funding, that I would leave the SLOB to decide on case by
> > case basis. It would really help out if people can suggest other
> > conferences as well and move forward in a planned manner.
> We should come up with a budget and allocate resources for things like
> conferences, which I think we all agree are important. However, I
> advocate strongly that it be in the context of a larger plan.
> Whoever wants to help us with these tasks, I am all for hearing your
> input.
> Best,
> Devin

Vipul Gupta
Mixster <https://mixstersite.wordpress.com/> | Github
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