[Sugar-devel] Regarding Stand at FOSDEM [1-2 February]

Vipul Gupta vipulgupta2048 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 3 15:50:13 EST 2019

Hello Samson,
That's awesome. Looking forward to catching up if I can make it.
Still figuring out a feasible way to reach FOSDEM. I have been consistently
missing out on events.
Let me know if you can help out with the stands.

On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 2:02 AM Samson Goddy <samsongoddy at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Vipul,
> Thanks for the update, I am sure, I might be in Belgium for Sustain Summit
> and hopefully be around for FOSSDEM, I am not sure if anyone from the
> community will be coming, but it will be great to have something from Sugar
> Lab there.
> Regards
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 9:26 PM Vipul Gupta <vipulgupta2048 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello folks,
>> Loving the energy of Google Code-In!
>> FOSDEM [0] is one of the biggest conferences for open-source software
>> developers with over 600+ lectures, 80+ projects and thousands of people
>> that participate in it. It's taking place in Brussels / 1 & 2 February
>> 2020. There are many projects, organizations, and companies that are a part
>> of it every year. I am very happy to announce that *Sugar Labs* has been
>> selected for the *Stands event* at FOSDEM [1]
>> <https://fosdem.org/2020/news/2019-11-19-accepted-stands/> Very much
>> like, what we had at PyCon US but larger. FOSDEM is one of the few
>> conferences that I think will be a great opportunity for us to be
>> representing Sugar Labs on a global platform with some of the biggest FOSS
>> projects on display.
>> Let me know what you all think, and yeah! let's do work towards making it
>> a big success!
>> Best,
>> Vipul Gupta
>> @vipulgupta2048
>> [0] - https://fosdem.org/
>> [1] - https://fosdem.org/2020/news/2019-11-19-accepted-stands/
> --
> Samson Goddy
> Twitter: https://twitter.com/samson_goddy
> Email: samsongoddy at sugarlabs.org
>             samsongoddy at gmail.com
> Website: https://samsongoddy.me/  <https://www.sugarlabs.org/>

Vipul Gupta
Mixster <https://mixstersite.wordpress.com/> | Github
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