[Sugar-devel] Sugar Labs Social Project completion report

Avinash Bharti avinashbharti97 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 22 16:02:43 EDT 2018

Hello folks,
The project 'Sugar Labs Social' on which I was working as an intern has
been almost 90 to 95 % completed.
Currently, I am working on documentation to manage the code base for the

GitHub repo: https://github.com/avinashbharti97/SugarLabs_Social

Project video cast:

I request you all to set up the project in a local computer and give
suggestion by opening an issue on GitHub repo, you can test the following:
- User Experience
- working of functionality
- robustness of code
- quality of code
- bugs
- suggestion regarding documentation
- suggest minor features
- all relevant opinions are welcome :)

and I want to know if it is possible to roll out this project for google
code-in if yes, then please let me know what to do next.

Looking forward to reviews :D

Avinash Bharti(avinashbharti97)
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