[Sugar-devel] Requirements: Applying as mentor of Sugar Labs in Google Code-in'18

VAIBHAV GUPTA guptavaibhav18197 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 09:06:53 EDT 2018

Hello everyone,

I am Vaibhav, a computer science undergraduate researcher from IIIT
Hyderabad. This past summer, I was software developer intern at Google
Summer of Code where my task was to built a complete tool, including an
administrative interface for manual annotation of datasets for Red Hen Lab.
I also have an intern project in The Linux Foundation (OPNFV) revolving
around research into http-profiling and defining performance metrics for
benchmarking of OpenStack’s Swift Object Storage.

I have been working and contributing to various open source projects. I
have acquired fair amount of open source experience working with
organizations like Red Hen Lab, ZENODO (CERN), OPNFV (The Linux Foundation)
and AIMA Code.

I am an open source enthusiast and would love to mentor students new to
opensource. It would be highly appreciated if I could get a chance to guide
the students being a mentor in Sugar Labs for Google Code-in’18.

Since I am new to Sugar Labs it would be great if you could tell me if new
comers can apply to be mentor in GCI and if so what are the requirements.


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