[Sugar-devel] Development Team Meeting, 9th January 10PM UTC * late notice *

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Tue Jan 9 17:34:44 EST 2018

On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 07:50:21AM +1100, James Cameron wrote:
> Developers are invited to attend the next team meeting, on Tuesday
> 10th January, at 5PM US/Eastern (10PM UTC).

We had James, Samson, Yash, and dzho.  Walter gave an apology.

> Agenda to include
> - what we have been working on,

Patch reviews and tests, Measure and Clock activities, Music blocks in
Browse activity.

Walter reported that activities.sugarlabs.org license metadata filter
has a problem.

Samson mentioned possibility of a Scratch v3.0 in Browse activity.

Yash has been porting activities to GTK+ 3.

dzho will be teaching humanitarian free and open source software
development (HFOSS), with a SoaS VMWare VM instance, and may look at
Sugar Live Build too.  dzho got the (sugar-docs) docker markdown
renderer installed and tried it.

> - progress of GCI 2017.

Lot of good work, reviewed a lot of patches, tested a lot of code.

Possible hasty task creation may lead to contestants working for days
on something where there isn't general agreement.

> #sugar-meeting irc.freenode.net
> Visitors also welcome.
> Sorry for the late notice, was coding.

James Cameron

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