[Sugar-devel] GCI plan for chatbot functionality and updating website to bootstrap v4.1.x

Anmol Mishra anmolmishra.jiit at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 07:30:53 EST 2018

I mean, how you plan to accomplish?
Chatbot will need a server for query response.

On Sun, 2 Dec, 2018, 17:59 Amaan Iqbal <amaaniqbal2786 at gmail.com wrote:

> What do you mean?
> On Dec 2, 2018 5:47 PM, "Anmol Mishra" <anmolmishra.jiit at gmail.com> wrote:
>> What options are your hosting options?
>> On Sun, 2 Dec, 2018, 17:41 Amaan Iqbal <amaaniqbal2786 at gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> I am attaching the plans which our GCI students have created for having
>>> a chatbot functionality on our website and for updating our website to
>>> Bootstrap 4.1 which will result in removal of dependency on some plugins
>>> like owl-carousel and many other custom stylings.
>>> Please find the links below. Any reviews would be appreciated.
>>> Plan for Chatbot functionality
>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p4nw0D-oomE7Jrze67kXAyEEUfINlpIKuoSFU8rimQk/edit#heading=h.fnvfgb36iyez>
>>> Plan for updating the website to bootstrap 4.1.x
>>> <https://storage.googleapis.com/codein-prod.appspot.com/gci-2018/core_taskupdate/doc/4657339716075520_1542461902_plan.pdf?Expires=1543838895&GoogleAccessId=codein-prod%40appspot.gserviceaccount.com&Signature=huyqIyR0P78oO4JOYt%2BuRhW08LqzCmG8gibMyurQYjHjv8tNnT%2F3%2FzSd53wx03axoYbx%2BbZNOwJm0ED3Nkqy%2FZiUMOm%2FkqAH%2BMedXTTCKb0C%2BdeXA6RDo3nqj6UY7dwbtiTJtNQf3o3WReA3ix8Yd9bX6k1Zxz6WAHQLM6HEgc1kSpNtEQnQDqwi82KfX57WWfdFmdBap4s2mcPOD5WA05VMqe9VWREn5B88KPENXqF4parH1TcsWWR%2B%2FfYlFaWQTNdtooub%2FEXZWWWu4cabA7mUQIBrsJPAYw5znZ1dpt8BmWMYOi3GksqYip3J7x%2BJLUfmYfB8auL9Qz4eO6uM0w%3D%3D>
>>> Regards,
>>> Amaan
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