[Sugar-devel] [SLOBS] [SLOB] xo-computer icon

Laura Vargas laura at somosazucar.org
Thu Sep 14 07:58:10 EDT 2017

2017-09-14 6:56 GMT-05:00 Martin Abente <martin.abente.lahaye at gmail.com>:

> On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 7:40 AM, Laura Vargas <laura at somosazucar.org>
> wrote:
>> Walter,
>> Nobody needs to be a lawyer to understand this.
>> *We (sugar labs users) simply didn't have permission to do use therefore
>> it was removed.*
>> Any one else interested in Sugar UI in the Community is welcome to join
>> forces and help me address this issue as an opportunity for the Community
>> to work together engaging in a Collaborative Design Dynamic and if required
>> define a more suitable substitute for Sebastian's commit.
> How can you say "work together" and "engaging in a Collaborative design"
> while Sebastian just pushed to master his own design unilaterally. Revert
> it, and then someone might take this invitation seriously.

I cannot revert it since the OLPC logo has a Trademark and it will make
Sugar not Free/Libre Software.

I propose October 1 to 15 for the Marathon.


Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
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