[Sugar-devel] GSOC Introduction: Project Idea

Suvigya Vijay suvigyavijay at gmail.com
Wed Mar 1 06:21:54 EST 2017


I am Suvigya Vijay, a sophomore from BITS Pilani. I have a 5 year long
programming experience and have used various programming languages such as
Python, Java, C, Javascript, and more.
Recently my focus has turned towards Web Development. I have been a part of
my college's technical department and gained experience in Javascript and
web frameworks  such as AngularJS, ReactJS and javascript libraries such as
jQuery, GSAP(high performance HTML5 and SVG animations) while developing
fest websites for the college and during an intern. I have also worked with
RESTful API for integrating the client-side with backend. Here are the
links to some of my projects:

   - http://bits-bosm.org/
   - http://www.bits-oasis.org/
   - https://bits-apogee.org/2017/
   - http://dhruvkumar.me/pk-frontend/dist/ *[ *#Test
   Email:pktest at stromox.com Password:test *]*

I have significant experience in building cross platform apps which can be
deployed as a web app or mobile app (Android/iOS) with the use of
Cordova/PhoneGAP. One of the latest application I build using cordova was
"Latch"(Link: https://test.investu.in). I would love to be a part of the
community and contribute to it.

Recently I ported the Creative Tim Bootstrap Dashboard to Angular Framework
for Raincrow Studios' Player Dashboard with database on Firebase. Here is
the link to the GitHub Repo, though data is not available to the public.

   - https://github.com/suvigyavijay/dashboard-angular

Hence, I was interested in your project idea titled 'Sugarizer Server
Dashboard' & 'Develop Activity
AKA Pippy JS, Taller del Artesano 2' and would like to contribute to it.
Any suggestions on how to get started and regarding the idea would mean a

Github: http://github.com/suvigyavijay/
Email: suvigyavijay at gmail.com
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