[Sugar-devel] L-earning

Martin Dengler martin at martindengler.com
Mon Jun 12 21:56:38 EDT 2017

On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 11:45:23AM +1000, James Cameron wrote:
>On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 07:08:46PM -0600, Charles Cossé wrote:
>> Motivation: I've discovered that using internet access as a currency
>> results in effective learning.
>This will benefit inattentive or time-poor parents who would rather
>use hardware and software to control their children's social
>Attentive or time-rich parents will be sufficiently involved in their
>children that they can exert control socially, and won't need paid

In the limit, yes, but a lot of parents are in between the time-poor and
time-rich extremes you mention; they may often have to prioritise what they
devote their attention to or exercise control over.

Also, a third credit-earning category of "build up enough credit and the
internet becomes accessible [until parents say it's time to stop / dinner /
etc.]" maps almost exactly to your "do your homework before you play on the
internet" use case, and strikes a different balance between parental and
automated supervision.

>So your best bet will be to target this service at inattentive and
>time-poor parents.
>But only those parents living in houses sufficiently spread apart that
>WiFi can be controlled.  Remote, rural, and suburban.

WiFi in urban areas is often not very open, so even in many urban areas this
WiFi-metering can be effective.

>And only those parents who can recognise when an uncontrolled WiFi
>access point appears; like a prepaid phone hotspot loaned by a friend.

True, but that's probably part of a "threat model" most parents/buyers would
understand to be not covered by their internet-metering service.

>> -Charles
>James Cameron

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