[Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] Instant palette popdown - a usability improvement

Tony Anderson tony_anderson at usa.net
Thu May 26 06:58:13 EDT 2016

Hi Sam

I like the Google apps button on the Google main page and the menu 
button at the far right of the Firefox toolbar. They show as a popup and 
plenty of screen space for icons and larger font sizes. This could 
support a design in which a left-click always causes an action and a 
right-click is required
to open up the 'palette' This is done well on the standard toolbar.

On the Home View, for instance. I would prefer that left-clicking on the 
icon launches the activity (new start). The tooltip shows the name of 
the activity (and nothing else). A right-click can open a list of 
instances available to be resumed. Using the Google or Firefox style, 
the list of instances can look exactly like the corresponding entry in 
the Journal.


On 05/26/2016 12:44 PM, sam at sam.today wrote:
> Hi All,
> A while ago, I dropped a mention on the list to how many users found 
> the palette system confusing, at least in my usability testing experiment.
> I recently wrote this up, with a more detailed rational; 
> https://www.sam.today/blog/sugar-with-instant-palettes/
> I invite you to comment on this.  This could be an interesting change 
> for sugar (0.)110.
> Thanks,
> Sam
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