[Sugar-devel] alert("Hello sugar")

ARCHITA KALE archita.kale at somaiya.edu
Fri Mar 25 07:40:14 EDT 2016


My name is Archita Kale, I am a third year computer engineering student at
Mumbai University.I have been an active open source contributor at my
university for a past few months and have developed few open source
projects as well.My skill sets include HTML,CSS and Javascript. I would
like to become a contributor at sugar labs. I hope to be of some good use
to the community.

Thanking you,
Archita Kale


<http://www.somaiya.edu>             <http://www.somaiya.edu/kjsmc>  
<http://www.nareshwadi.org> <http://www.somaiya.edu>  
<http://www.helpachild.in> <http://www.somaiya.edu>
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