[Sugar-devel] External Display on Sugar

Sam Parkinson sam.parkinson3 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 16:28:19 EDT 2016

Hi Gustavo,

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 12:55 AM, Gustavo Duarte <gus.duarte at gmail.com> 
> Hi all,
> On Sugar 0.107 on Ubuntu running on a "standar'" laptop, when connect 
> an
> external monitor to HDMI port, the Desktop AREA is only ONE.
> One part of the Desktop area is showed on a display laptop an other 
> part
> is showed on external monitor.
> I would like to have two Desktop areas, one to be showed on laptop
> display and the other on external monitor.
> In Ubuntu, i can achieve this setup running a command like:
> xrandr --output HDMI1 --auto --right-of eDP1
> When I run this command in Sugar, the external monitor turn ON, but I
> have only one Desktop AREA.
> Is it possible configure Sugar to have two desktop areas, when an
> external monitor is connected ?

The Sugar code deals with the window management, and doesn't have any 
support for the idea that there could ever be 2 activities on the 
screen at once.  So maybe you are limited to mirroring the displays?


> Thanks in advance.
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