[Sugar-devel] GSoC'16 Guidance

Akshit Kumar akshitkumar100 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 13 09:52:13 EDT 2016

Hi all

I am Akshit Kumar. I am Electrical Engineering sophomore at Indian
Institute of Technology, Madras. I am really interested in taking part in
GSoC'16. I went through the ideas list and found the following ideas
1. Journal Rethink
2. Redesign and Recreate of Sugar Web Appearance

I am pretty fluent in Python and Gtk and web technologies like
HTML,CSS,Javascript. I am also familiar with Git and Github as well. I am a
web developer at my institutes Web Operations Team as well.

I have already started working on those ideas.
1. Journal Rethink - I have setup the development environment and I am
familiarising myself with the code base. I have also been exploring the
Journal - trying out different things and playing around with the code.
2. Redesign and recreate of Sugar Web Appearance - Ported the present sugar
labs website to a flat minimalistic bootstrap theme - Flatly. You can find
the code for it here [1].

Could the mentors for the above projects help guide me as to what all are
they expecting in this project and if I could get a feedback as to what
should I try doing next? Any form of guidance would be greatly appreciated.

[1]  https://github.com/AkshitKumar/www-sugarlabs-demo

*Akshit Kumar*
Second Year Undergraduate Student
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
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