[Sugar-devel] Sugarizer Activity Set - GSOC 2016

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Thu Mar 10 18:22:03 EST 2016

Your link is too long to copy and paste, but this link works fine:


I've tested using Firefox-45 on Ubuntu 14.04:

1.  the data is offset from current date and time by several hours,

(the today's moon information, next full moon, new moon, lunar
eclipse, and solar eclipse times are presented as GMT+1100 (AEDT) yet
the dates and times are exactly the same as the Moon activity on an XO
laptop, which presents them as GMT, see attached screenshots,)

2.  there is no compass direction marker or latitude longitude colour
legend when grid view is enabled,

3.  the toggle hemisphere view toggle button may become out of
synchronisation with the displayed image,

I've also tested using Sugar Browse from git on Fedora 18 using an XO
laptop; the moon does not fit, see last of the attached screenshots.

Good progress.

On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 04:20:49AM +0530, Shirsh Zibbu wrote:
> *
> I have made some major progress in the past week in the project Sugarizer
> Activity Set. To be precise, I have been porting Moon activity. I have prepared
> a [1]demo for the same.
> I would like to know other's opinions, especially the project mentor, sir
> Lionel Laské and sir Michaël Ohayon, regarding my current work and what all
> changes are needed.
> References:
> [1] http://t.sidekickopen46.com/e1t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7lC8dDMPbW2n0x6l2B9nMJW7t5XZs4WrKXjN8q-6Y2dnqP2VRzDdF56dC9ff6Yjdzx02?t=http%3A%2F%2Fzhirzh.github.io%2Fsugarizer-activity-moon%2F&si=5100779840208896&pi=9738b7b8-0b1c-4a15-e4f2-9d8e700508b2

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James Cameron
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