[Sugar-devel] [GSOC] Font Editor Next Steps

Yash Agarwal agrwal.ysh94 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 20:02:14 EDT 2016

Some Questions:
@General Issue
How are multiple pages/modes(>5) managed in a sugar activity ?
Are pages destroyed the moment user shifts to a different page?
I tried making a Page Manager Class which will manage all the pages but I'm
having difficulties implementing it
here is my implementation so far:

What's the usual/standard way in sugar for creating vertical toolbars
(right and left aligned both)?

@Dave and Eli
Can you specify the UI details for the following modes so that I can design
it in the activity

   1. Font Summary Screen
      1. font info
      2. sample view of the font
      3. option to edit/install/delete the font
   2. Character Map Screen
   3. Glyph Info Screen
   4. Editing Interface (this one is done)
   5. Make new font dialogue
   6. Font Manager

As my Current Progress is a little lacking due to my week away I think we
should make a list of all the tasks I need to finish before the Midterm
Deadline (we can do this here

with regards
Yash Agarwal

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 5:07 AM Yash Agarwal <agrwal.ysh94 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Here is my Work Report for this week
> https://sugarlabs.github.io/edit-fonts-activity/week-3-work
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 4:21 AM Dave Crossland <dave at lab6.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> From IM:
>> > which library do I have to use for converting ttf to ufo and vice
>> versa, fonttools or fontmake?
>> Actually, use https://github.com/typesupply/extractor
>> Please do check TruFont to see how they do things :)
>> Cheers
>> Dave
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