[Sugar-devel] [sugarlabs/sugar-toolkit-gtk3] Save As Popup (#327)

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Fri Jul 15 08:55:29 EDT 2016

On 15 July 2016 at 08:33, Tony Anderson <tony_anderson at usa.net> wrote:

> I think we all hope someone will attempt to work with and support our
> users. I have a lot of experience over many years working
> with deployments, but would not suggest anything I have done is definitive.

I understand that; I'm curious as to if you have worked with 'formal' user
testing methods (eg https://www.usability.gov/how-to-and-tools/methods/)

> This is a feature that my experience tells me is needed.

I don't doubt that :)

> I am trying to develop a training sequence in web technology. It is
> essential for that. Since it has been implemented and this is open source,
> I can use it as I need it.

Sure! I'm not trying to dissuade you from running private fork features in
the deployments you manage :)

I am trying to meet your needs as well as the needs of other contributors.

I presume Sebastian posted the screenshot to suggest that the user
experience of this feature is not yet very good from his perspective. The
large size of the dialog is surprising to me.

Since you are leading the development of this feature, since you have ready
access to children with XOs, and since you are advocating the change, I
think that methodological user testing can help you improve the feature for
yourself, and help address the concerns of other community members :)
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