[Sugar-devel] Help us translating sugar

Martin Abente martin.abente.lahaye at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 21:10:34 EST 2016

Hello everyone,

I spent this weekend making sure that our translation platform [1] was
running fine and I updated the templates for sugar and sugar-toolkit-gtk3
projects. Compared to the last release, there are *only 97 new words *to be
translated in sugar [2].

I also completed the Spanish translations [3], but the more we complete the
better, so *we need your help*! We have time until February 9th, so I can
merge the changes and do basic QA at least before the 0.108 release.

*Spread the word!*


[1] http://translate.sugarlabs.org/
[2] http://translate.sugarlabs.org/projects/sugar/
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