[Sugar-devel] Browse: improve autocomplete list

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Sun Feb 28 18:19:03 EST 2016

On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 08:36:26PM +0530, Utkarsh Tiwari wrote:
> I would like to work on this bug ->
> https://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/4081

Modify ticket, in the Action box click on accept, then Submit
changes.  As a result, the Bug Status should change.

Later, if you stop work on the bug, set the Bug Status to something
other than Assigned or Accepted.

> I went through the webtoolbar.py code and found that it uses cairo
> to draw the url suggestion dropdown list below the URL bar.

Please use terminology consistent with the code; this is the
SearchWindow you are talking about, right?  Assuming yes.

> Could anyone here provide some details about to integrate
> gtk.scrolledwindow or hints on how to get about it ?

It looks like point 2 of the ticket is half done.  SearchWindow is
already a Gtk.TreeView inside a Gtk.ScrolledWindow inside a
Gtk.Window.  So you don't need to integrate Gtk.ScrolledWindow.

Looking at point 1, "put the URL below the title", _search_create_view
in webtoolbar.py uses two standard Gtk.CellRendererText to build the
TreeView cells.  I agree with Manuq-three-years-ago that a custom
renderer may be needed.

Look at our other custom renderers, e.g. src/sugar3/graphics/icon.py
and PreviewRenderer in src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py.

Start Epiphany and use the feature.  Review the C code used in

Write a custom renderer.

James Cameron

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