[Sugar-devel] Write Activity Check Spelling problem

Gustavo Duarte gus.duarte at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 10:07:14 EST 2016

Hi everyone,

I'm using Write Activity on Sugar 0.107 in Ubuntu 14.04.

The version of Write is 97.

I need enable the spell check and dictionary suggestion, so i did the

1) Comment the line: <!-- unbind-mappings handler="contextMisspellText" /
--> on keybindings.xml file

2) I installed aspell,  aspell-es, and enchant.

After that, the check spelling is working (red under lines are appears on
misspelling words) and if I  press right click, the dictionary suggestions
are showed.

But only work the first time that file is open. If I close this file and
open again, the red undelines aren't showed again.

If I delete the file from Journal, and open Wirte Activity, the red lines
ara shoed again.

Any ideas, about that ?

Thanks .

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