[Sugar-devel] [IAEP] [SLOBS] [SLOB] meeting reminder

Walter Bender walter.bender at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 13:45:24 EST 2016

Has anyone put together the equivalent of
https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2015-2016-candidates for this
year? Are there any candidate statements published in the wiki?



On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 1:05 PM, Laura Vargas <laura at somosazucar.org> wrote:

> Not sure what you are trying to say. Even after living, studying and
> working in the US (thank you Fulbright Schoolarships!) I still fail to
> understand how US citizens understand and act upon democracy :D
> I guess having a standar and logical caledar for every year's election
> will make this easier for following years.
> Ej:
> Identify voting members: October
> Call for Candidates: November
> Election:December
> 2016-12-02 12:36 GMT-05:00 Caryl Bigenho <cbigenho at hotmail.com>:
>> I would assume they *do* wish to stand for re-election. The publicity on
>> this has been terrible. I don't know who is in charge, but they should have
>> made sure they sent several reminders of deadlines to file for candidacy.
>> In fact, was there ever an announcement sent out to all of the membership
>> asking if they wish to run and giving deadlines and a timeline? I didn't
>> see even one. This has always been done in the past. It looks like someone
>> is trying to rig the election! (Sorry... but that is how some of us from
>> the US feel about elections right now!)
>> Caryl
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* IAEP <iaep-bounces at lists.sugarlabs.org> on behalf of Laura
>> Vargas <laura at somosazucar.org>
>> *Sent:* Friday, December 2, 2016 8:44:55 AM
>> *To:* Dave Crossland
>> *Cc:* iaep; Sugar-dev Devel; OLPC para usuarios, docentes, voluntarios y
>> administradores; SLOBs
>> *Subject:* Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] [SLOB] meeting reminder
>> 2016-12-02 11:38 GMT-05:00 Dave Crossland <dave at lab6.com>:
>>> On 2 December 2016 at 11:28, Laura Vargas <laura at somosazucar.org> wrote:
>>>> 2016-12-02 11:27 GMT-05:00 Dave Crossland <dave at lab6.com>:
>>>>> On 2 December 2016 at 11:24, Laura Vargas <laura at somosazucar.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Looks like we have 3 seats for 3 candidates :D
>>>>> 6 candidates, assuming the 3 people in those 3 seats want to stand for
>>>>> reeleection?
>>>> Why would you assume this?
>>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>> Why would you not? :D
>>> lol :)
>> Because you announced elections will take place first week of December.
>> If they were interested I'm sure they would already expressed interest as
>> Ignacio, Samson and I.
>> At least some interest in setting up the elections, don't you think?
>> --
>> Laura V.
>> I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org
>> Happy Learning!
> --
> Laura V.
> I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org
> Identi.ca/Skype acaire
> IRC kaametza
> Happy Learning!
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Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
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