[Sugar-devel] About bug: No indicator when headphones are plugged in #4906

Sam Parkinson sam.parkinson3 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 16:59:11 EDT 2016

Hi Manash,

GNOME has a feature to do the same thing [1].  They seem to use an 
abstracted library called "GVC" to do all the volume stuff.  But 
ultimately, it is just talking to pulse audio.  We also talk to pulse 
audio through SugarExt, so hopefully that is helpful.



On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 11:04 PM, Manash Raja <mpdmanash at gmail.com> 
> Hi everyone,
> I was looking at this bug: https://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/4906 .
> I found that acpi is not present in Sugar. So what other package is 
> used in Sugar to generate a hardware signal (if supported) in 
> response to plugging a headphone jack?
> Thanks.
> Manash Pratim Das
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