[Sugar-devel] The future of Sugar on XO-1s

Tony Anderson tony_anderson at usa.net
Tue Apr 5 20:03:21 EDT 2016

In my experience this can simplified. Developers want to use the latest 
fastest hardware and work with the latest fashionable software.

In general, supporting already deployed systems is maintenance. What is 
needed for the XO-1 and other out-of-production models (AFIK only the 
XO-4 is in production), is maintenance.

It will be difficult, but essential for the community to find people who 
are willing to take on the challenge of maintaining and, where possible, 
expanding the educational experience that the XO can offer.


On 04/05/2016 07:37 PM, Dave Crossland wrote:
> Hi James
> On 1 April 2016 at 15:06, James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org 
> <mailto:quozl at laptop.org>> wrote:
>     Let me spin you a tail.
>     The myth of forward human development doesn't apply to software.
>     This is a parade of people, several walking abreast, beside a slow
>     moving flat bed truck, all holding on to a ribbon.
>     The truck is the world, and the internet as it stands.
>     The first person, next to the truck, are our learners or users.
>     The second person is Sugar Labs; with our activities, and Sugar.
>     The third person is distributions of Linux, like Fedora and Ubuntu,
>     The fourth person are the hardware vendors, like commodity suppliers
>     or OLPC.
>     The fifth person are the Linux kernel developers.
>     As the procession walks beside the truck, the ribbon is not always
>     straight.
>     Some people walk faster than others.  Some let go of the ribbon and
>     others take their place.
>     I'm glad you're here, you're bringing a new perspective.
>     But the ribbon is actually toilet paper, so the pressure to keep up,
>     while real, doesn't get felt, instead the paper breaks.
>     Do not target a rapidly diminishing enthusiastic group, or the future
>     users will suffer.
> I'm sorry, I didn't fully understand you here at the last line. You 
> had said earlier,
> >     for the future of Sugar Labs, they should be concentrating on
> >     later designs than one from 2007 that is no longer available and
> >     rapidly dying from old age.
> So you mean, it would be unwise for Sugar Lab's 
> vision/mission/strategy for the next 3-5 years to focus on supporting 
> the rapidly diminishing (yet enthusiastic) group of XO owners, and 
> focus on the future users who are not XO owners?
> Cheers
> Dave
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