[Sugar-devel] Issue tracking on Github?

Devin Ulibarri devin at ulibarri.website
Mon Apr 4 00:50:37 EDT 2016

On 04/04/2016 12:35 AM, Dave Crossland wrote:
>     Here is why:
>     1. Control. The community would be able to do what they wish with their
>     data. (the other benefits really come from this one)
> Most of the data on Github servers, and all the data that is uploaded to
> the servers by the community, is available to the community in full and
> unrestricted (and raw) form via the Github API.
> There is a software freedom problem with github.com <http://github.com>,
> since it provides proprietary javascript software to run on your
> browser; but for me this software is pretty trivial and personally I
> don't mind it.

I was more concerned with the amount of latitude that the services

For example (to make point more clear), if you had your own server would
you rather download and use Wordpress software? Or use a WordPress as a
service hosted on someone else's computer?

>     2. Avoid "Lock in". Probably, now we think "we have the code, we can
>     pack our bags at any time we want", but as we use 3rd party services we
>     are investing more and more--and would probably be reluctant to move if
>     GitHub were to "go rogue" (advertisements, privacy problems, who knows
>     what they will think of next problems). Instead, we would probably just
>     adapt and adapt until--suddenly--the atmosphere became unbearable.
> SourceForge.org is exactly the nightmare scenario you describe
> - http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/05/sourceforge-grabs-gimp-for-windows-account-wraps-installer-in-bundle-pushing-adware/
> - and Github is widely admired in the floss community as an antithesis
> of sourceforge. Another large host of libre-software projects,
> code.google.com <http://code.google.com>, was shut down in the last
> year, with tools provided to migrate to Github. 

Yes, I had SourceForge in mind...

> The nature of git and the github API is that migrating to another system
> is easy enough, and while it is certainly possible that they could just
> turn everything off and we'd lose data stored only on their servers, it
> seems extremely unlikely to me that people of good will would do such a
> thing. I expect that if and when Github is shut down, it will provide
> tools to migrate. 

Migrating code is easy, but it is also valuable to have the data of the
issues as well when possible. (one could download pages as HTML, but
that would be laborious)

>     3. It occurs to me that, if we maintain an option to issue bug reports
>     anonymously (or even under an pseudonym) that we would be protecting
>     data of minors. I do not want to contribute much more to a world where
>     minors must identify themselves and thus all they say and do on the
>     internet at 13 yrs. old is available to people to see when they are 40
>     yrs. old.
> Github allows pseudonym accounts :)

Yes, but we are still asking kids to sign up with a service that they
may have otherwise had no interest in signing up for. "Welcome to
SugarLabs, now sign up for GitHub". So GitHub gets the data for the
student's email (I cannot remember if real name is required, but it
almost does not matter b/c they can change their policy at any time)

>     This all being said, I have no technical know-how to fix the broken
>     system. And the reason I use GitHub is because that was the system that
>     was introduced to me. If the software on the Sugar server gets fixed, I
>     will happily participate in that one.
> Well, this is sort of the point. The software on the sugar server is
> functioning fine (modulo a moderation queue misconfiguration :) and
> there was already an effort to move to Github. 

I am confused. I thought something was not / is not working...

The reason I am using GitHub and not Sugar Server is because that was
the solution introduced to me.

>     Well, 4. If we can fix the problem and try to improve whatever software
>     libre we are running server-side, we will be contributing to the
>     advancement of software libre tools for the entire community (even if we
>     are just filing bug reports, etc).
> Sugar is in the business of developing educational application-level
> software, and not wifi driver firmware software, nor software project
> hosting software. 

Just like we would appreciate it if people used Sugar software and sent
in bug reports when they ran into problems, I know that developers of
server-side libre git solutions would appreciate having more members of
the community try their stuff and send in our thoughts and other
contributions. ...it is encouraging for them, at the very least.

Off to bed now.


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